Sunday, November 15, 2009

Five for Friday: Scary (Lego) things

N.B. -- I came across this article on the 15 best villains of all time on Digg this morning. Interesting to note that there's no crossover.

I asked my 4yr old for some help with my Friday list. "What are the scariest things you can think of from movies or stories," I asked him. Here's his list and brief explanations. It speaks highly for Lego's ability to stay relevant to kids that a picture of everything he named was available in a Lego image format. Here's the list, not in any particular order:

1. The Joker

"The Joker is scary is because he tries to get Batman and because he was trying to get Robin. The Joker has a gun and a poisonous gas box, so he is dangerous."

2. Mummy

 "The Mummy is scary because it has big shoes, and it tries to get people."

3. The Wampa

"The Wampa is scary because it tries to eat people. Luke Skywalker hurt him in the ice cave, but he is still scary."

4. Ghost

"Ghosts are scary because they say 'Boo.'" My daughter added that it's also scary that no one has ever seen them before.

5. Vampire

"Vampires are scary because they have sharp teeth and they can try to bite you."

At this point he began losing interest because it was his turn to play Wii.

1 comment:

  1. ...all things that are not real threats to him. This is wonderful. Imagine the difference between this list and that of a 4 year old boy in Afghanistan or war-torn African nation.


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