Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dreams, The Road, and a poor, shivering version of myself

Last night, I had a dream: I was so poor and hungry that I scoped out a grocery store and hid inside when it closed so that I could eat at night. Yes, I became a nocturnal-grocery store pilferer out of poverty. I think it looked a lot like the Whole Foods in Buckhead.

Another dream in another head, featuring me last night: I just took all of my stuff and disappeared. Went away. Forever. That would be weird, and a lot like giving up, considering recent circumstances.

Apparently, in more than one head, there's a concern that I will fall to ruin, starve, freeze, and/or disappear. Now, am I terrified recently of poverty, hitting the streets, and complete national and international economic catastrophe and cataclysm? Yes (bring on The Road!), for sure. But the real-world me will live.

Thanks for the inspiration Lacunae

The poor, dream-world me. I hope someone is going to take care of him. Am I supposed to?


  1. ok, there's a mom who read this post and would like to help rescue the shivering, hungry dream-boy, but in her dream world...she's on the run for helping anjolina-jolie steal h1n1 virus vaccine for her 27 kids. Analyze that!

  2. Clearly the dream-she is running to prevent the outbreak of an epidemic of massive celebrity adoptions. She will obtain the vaccine, gain an audience with dream-Angelina, and plead with her to stop the madness. Then Brad Pitt will be elected mayor of New Orleans, Angelina will announce that really she is an alien from another galaxy, and the 27 children will emancipate themselves and run down Bourbon Street throwing cash. You go, dream-she.


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